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Discovery Magazine 6/01/2009

Wood is Good For a Lot of Things

by  Caleb Colley Ph.D.

In an average day, wood helps us a lot. When you get out of your bed—perhaps a wooden bed—in the morning, you may put your feet on a wooden floor. You walk from room to room, all of which are probably divided and outlined by wood (the wood may be hidden by sheet rock, but the wood is there). You open the pantry door, which is made of wood, to get your cereal. When you sit down to breakfast, you probably sit on a wooden chair and eat from a wooden table. In fact, there probably are thousands of feet of wood in your house.

In school, you might sit at a wooden desk, use a wooden pencil, and write on paper, which is made of extremely thin slices of wood fiber. Your books are wood products, too. If one of your classmates has a broken leg, he is probably using crutches made of…you guessed it—wood! Some people eat from paper plates at lunch, and this means wood is being used at yet another meal. At recess, you might play baseball, and many baseball bats are made of wood.

As you drive down the road, you pass by lots of telephone poles (wood again). If it's a chilly evening, you can sit by a warm, log fire (wood is definitely there). After the fire is burned out, you can use the ashes from the logs to help fruits and vegetables grow in the garden, melt ice, keep algae from growing in your pond, make soap, shine silver, and more (the ashes might have to be mixed with something else first). Even after wood is burned, it is valuable.

When God gave us wood, He provided a wonderful, useful tool to help us survive and make us comfortable. You can read about many more uses for wood in the pages of God'sWord (see Genesis 6:14; 22:9; Exodus 25; Leviticus 3:5).

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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