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Discovery Magazine 10/01/2006

Humans Did not Evolve from a Rodent

Probably one of the most disturbing ideas presented in the museum is the false notion that humans evolved from lower mammals. In front of the Evolution Theater, there is a "monument" to a little creature called Morganucodon. The little metal statue of this rodent, and the pictures that go with it, tell the visitors that the mammals alive today, including humans, evolved from this little creature.

In the Evolution Theater, the movie that plays tells how "Morgan" (short for Morganucodon) appeared about 200 million years ago and gradually evolved into the various mammal species. Inside the theater, a bronze statue of a chimpanzee sits in one of the seats as if he, too, is enjoying the show. The entrance to the main mammal exhibit has a large bright sign that says: "Welcome to the mammal family reunion! Come meet your relatives." Another exhibit in the museum has human bones on display next to the "manlike apes" that supposedly share a common ancestor with humans.

There are several problems, however, with the idea that humans evolved from lower mammals. The first problem is the fact that no fossils exist that show humans evolved from monkeys. Even though many evolutionists say there are "missing link" fossils between humans and apes, that is simply not the case. Every fossil that has ever been found can be divided into two groups: humans or animals. There are no half human/half monkey fossils. In fact, our knowledge of biology makes the idea of human evolution impossible, because we know that all animals produce after their own kind. No dog ever gave birth to a baby hippopotamus, no horse ever gave birth to a chimpanzee, and no rodent eventually evolved into humans over millions of years. All the exhibits that suggest that fossils prove human evolution simply are not telling the truth.

Second, humans and animals have very different characteristics. Humans have the ability to write, produce computers, learn foreign languages, and think about concepts such as heaven and God. No animals have these abilities. Not only that, all humans recognize some things as right and other things as wrong—humans have morals. Animals do not have morals like humans. Lions do not gather in small groups to discuss whether or not it is "right" to kill a gazelle or to steal food from other lions. Monkeys do not contemplate how "wrong" it is to get angry and violent. And a rodent named Morgan never thought about the "rightness" or "wrongness" of stealing cheese. How could humans have evolved the ability to judge right and wrong if animals like "Morgan" and the monkeys never had the ability?

The truth is humans could not have evolved from animals. The Bible tells the true story: God created Adam from the dust of the ground in His own image on day six of the Creation week. When Adam named all the animals, he saw that none of the animals was suitable to be his companion, so God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs (read Genesis 1:26-27; 2:19-25). The idea that humans evolved from little more than a rat named "Morgan" is neither scientific nor true. If you visit federally-funded museums of natural history, look out for false information about "human evolution." 

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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According to the General Theory of Evolution, over billions of years of mindless, aimless evolution, the Earth became filled with a variety of amazing, wonderfully designed animals.

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