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Discovery Magazine 04/01/2010

The Brain Proof of God

Someone has said that the brain is the most organized matter on Earth. It surely is—and it only weighs three pounds! Scientists and medical researchers have learned some incredible things about the brain. Yet they admit they know very little since the brain is so complex. The brain is divided into several parts or sections, each one apparently being responsible for controlling many different functions. For example, here are some of the functions that the frontal lobe (section) controls:


thought processes

problem solving


creative thought

some emotion




sense of smell

some eye movements

muscle movements


The parietal lobe is on the top area of the brain. Here is some of what it controls:

sense of touch

appreciation of form

response to internal actions

some language and reading functions

some visual functions


The temporal lobe, which is in the middle of the brain, controls many activities also:

visual memories

some vision pathways



some language

some speech

some behavior and emotions

sense of identity


The occipital (ahk SIP uh toll) lobe is at the very back of the brain and controls vision and reading.

Then there is the cerebellum (sarah BELL um), at the base of the brain, which controls balance and posture, heart and lungs, and the nerves and muscles that cause blood vessels to constrict or dilate. At the very bottom of the brain is the brain stem that serves as the motor and sensory pathway to the body and face. Already, you can see that the brain is a very powerful, complex, and complicated part of the human body.

The longer researchers study the brain (and they've been studying a long time!), the more astounding their discoveries become. With each new insight, they are simply proving that the brain could not have evolved. It had to have been created by God.

As the years go by, they keep uncovering more layers of complexity as to how the brain functions. They have found, for instance, that brain cells (called neurons) talk to each other by sending electrochemical impulses (chemicals and electricity) along thin fibers called axons. Arriving at the end of the axon, the signals come to a gap. The gap is called a synapse (SIN-naps). When the signal reaches the synapse junction, a puff of neurotransmitter molecules is released. These molecules then bind to chemical receptor molecules located in the dendrite membrane on the opposite side of the synapse, leading to another neuron. Each synapse contains different types of receptor proteins that affect the firing pattern of a neuron. This amazing interchange is how the brain sends messages throughout your nervous system to control the hundreds of functions of your entire body.

And get this: the adult human brain is estimated to contain billions of neurons and from 100-500 trillion synapses. In fact, your cerebral cortex is the thin mantle of gray matter that is about the size of a dinner napkin covering the surface of your brain. It's the part that looks crumpled and folded into crevices. It is made up of six layers of nerve cells. And every cubic millimeter of your cerebral cortex contains roughly a billion synapses! What's more, there are more synapses in the human brain than there are stars in the known Universe!

The human brain is the most powerful, advanced, complex, information-processing system in the Universe. Anyone who says the human brain came about over millions of years by evolutionary processes is not using his brain! The brain is proof of God—an Almighty Mind that is infinite in power, knowledge, wisdom, and glory. "Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves" (Psalm 100:3). "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well" (Psalm 139:14).

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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In this debate, national best-selling author and self-professed agnostic, Bart Erhman, contends that the pain and suffering in the world show that the loving God of the Bible does not exist.

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