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Discovery Magazine 09/01/2010

Yahweh, Yuccas, and a Young Earth

When people think of symbiotic relationships, they often think about animals helping other animals. But, it is also the case that many times animals assist plants, while plants, in return, help animals. Take, for instance, the yucca moth and the yucca plant created by Yahweh (the Hebrew word for Jehovah).

The pollination of yucca plants is different from all other plants. The flowers of yucca plants can only be pollinated by yucca moths. When a female yucca moth collects pollen from the yucca flower, she then bores holes and lays eggs in the base of the female part of the flower. Afterwards, the moth flies to the top of the flower and crawls onto the stigma, where she unloads the flower's pollen in order for pollination to occur.

Soon, the yucca flower will be able to produce seeds. In the meantime, the yucca moth eggs will have hatched. The moth caterpillars survive by eating some of the seeds of the yucca plant, which is all they eat—yucca seeds and yucca seeds only. But the caterpillars do not eat allof the seeds. Many seeds are left to fall to the ground to become new yucca plants.

So, yucca moths need yucca plants and yucca plants need yucca moths? Exactly! This grand design and dependence on each other for survival testifies to a Grand Designer. But what do yucca moths and yucca plants have to do with the Earth's age? Sadly, some people think that the days of Creation were not really "days," but rather millions or billions of years of time. Though these people are wrong for several reasons, one of those reasons is simply this: If yucca plants were created on day three of Creation (Genesis 1:9-13), but day three was really a million years long, how could yucca plants survive so long without yucca moths, which would not be created until later in the Creation week (allegedly millions of years later)?

The fact that yucca plants are dependent on yucca moths to survive (and vice versa), proves that yucca plants could not have been around millions of years without yucca moths. In truth, they were created in the same week—just as the Bible teaches!

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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