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Discovery Magazine 03/01/2011

Creation's Perfect Order

by  Dave Miller Ph.D.

Those who teach the theory of evolution teach that the Universe just popped into existence ("Big Bang!"). They say that life began to develop on Earth gradually from nonliving materials. All of this took millions of years. Beginning with a single-celled organism, lower forms of life slowly developed into animals that eventually developed into humans. Truthfully, this scheme is far-fetched and hard to believe.

But the Bible gives a completely different explanation that makes sense. In the first chapter of Genesis, God presents a logical picture of the beginning of the Universe and the Earth. God spoke the entire physical Universe into existence. The Earth was "without form, and void" (Genesis 1:2). It was dark! So God made light. He made a distinction between light and darkness—resulting in the first day. This makes sense, since light is absolutely necessary for life. (Most plants must have it to survive.)

But nothing could live, grow, and survive on the Earth unless an atmosphere was created for plants and animals to breathe. So God separated the waters and made sure that the moisture above the land surface would allow for air. That was the second day of God's creative work.

Next, the waters on the surface of the Earth needed to be confined to specific areas to allow plants, animals, and humans to live. God gathered the waters together to form seas and made the dry land appear. This action made it possible for vegetation to grow on the land—trees, grass, and other plants. So God spoke them into existence next. This all makes sense. Plants are necessary for the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen so that animals and humans can breathe. Most animals depend upon plants to stay alive. That was the third day of God's creative actions.

Then God made specific projectors of light—the Sun, Moon, and stars. They were made to mark time while also affecting the seasons of the year—spring, winter, summer, and fall. Now the plants could produce seeds at the right time. Flowers would bloom properly. They would all be ready for the arrival of the insects. Many plants and insects need each other to survive. That was the fourth day.

On the fifth day, God made fish in the waters and birds in the air. Birds depend on fish and insects for their food. Both depend on plants. On the sixth day, God made the rest of the animals and the first two people. Now, everyone and everything was well supplied with the necessary elements to carry on the wonders of life. God did it just right! His creative actions could not have been done any better. No wonder at the end of the sixth day, God saw that everything was very good (Genesis 1:31)!

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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