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Discovery Magazine 07/01/2000

Which Way Do We Go?

The Israelites had been slaves in the land of Egypt for hundreds of years. They were filled with joy as Moses prepared to lead them to the Promised Land that flowed with milk and honey. However, they had several problems; First, they did not know where they were going, or what direction to travel. Second, they were not going to drive on nicely paved roads like we do. They were going to ride animals and walk through rugged wilderness and night- without streetlights or road signs! How would they ever reach the promised land of Canaan?

One of the wonderful things about God is that He always provides what His children need. In Exodus 13:21-22 we read of a strange pillar. This pillar was not like ordinary pillars that hold up buildings. It floated in the air, and burned like fire during the night. The pillar was special because God was using it to lead His choses people out of the land of Egypt.

Wherever the pillar went, the children of Israel followed. When the pillar stopped, the Israelites stopped and set up camp. When the pillar moved, the Israelites broke camp and followed. No longer did the Hebrews have to worry about getting lost, because they had God's magnificent pillar to guide them, Also, with God's special pillar, they could journey across the unsafe wilderness at night by using like from the fire to avoid treacherous cliffs or rock ledges. Who needs streetlights or car headlights to travel at night when you have a huge, floating pillar of fire sent by God? Thanks to the fiery, cloudy pillar, the Israelites found their way safely through the hazardous wasteland.

Even today, God still provides direction for His followers. He has given us a pillar to guide us through the perilous wilderness of a sinful world. He sent His Son to show us the way to the Promised Land. John 1:9 says that Jesus "was the true Light which gives light to every man who comes into the world," If we follow the example of Jesus, we will make it safely through this dangerous world and someday reach the Promised Land of heaven.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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