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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 03/01/2001

Wisdom's Corner: Like a Moth

by  Mark McWhorter

''When with rebukes you correct man for iniquity, you make his beauty melt away like a moth; surely every man is vapor."(Psalm 39:11).

These are David's words regarding what God can do to the man who is not following His commandments. There are two different things that may be intended here. One is that the verse is saying that man is like the moth.

There is a very large and beautiful moth in Palestine. This moth can be seen flying about in all its beauty. But the moth's life is very short. Dry weather and many enemies keep it from living very long. It either is eaten, or it dies from lack of moisture. And it is easily crushed if touched by a human hand.

David may be saying that a person who does not follow God is like the moth. The person's life may appear to be wonderful. He may be rich and live in great beauty. Everyone may like looking at the person and all of his belongings. Many may even consider his actions good. But God quickly can bring all of the beauty to an end.

At the final judgment, all of those who did not follow God will have their beauty ended. They will go to the very ugly place of hell. Read your Bible. Make sure that you are following God. Do not be like the moth.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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