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Discovery Magazine 03/01/2002

The Bible's Amazing Unity

Imagine asking an actress form Hollywood, a farmer from Oklahoma, and a restaurant manager from Alabama to write an essay about the causes of the Civil War. Even though they would all write about a war that occurred less than 200 years ago, many differences would be obvious. The restaurant manager may say that war was about states' rights. And the farmer from Oklahoma might claim that the war was because of stubbornness on both sides-the North and South. The point is, these three individuals likely would have a lot of different things to say about the war.

When we compare ordinary human authors to the writers of the Bible, we realize that the Bible is truly an amazing book written by men who were inspired by God. Considering it was written by 40 different writers of the Bible, we realize that the Bible is truly an amazing book written by men who were inspired by God. Considering it was written by 40 different writers over a period of about 1600 years and contained no contradictions in its original form, one has to admit that the Bible is no ordinary book. The Bible writers were as different as the Hollywood actress and the Oklahoma farmer. Some were fishermen or farmers, some were military leaders, and others were kings. Some wrote in the Hebrew language and others in Aramaic or Greek. Some of the Bible Writers wrote while traveling, and others while in prison. Yet when we look at the Bible, it shows amazing unity-unity that can be explained only by the fact that Bible writers were guided by God.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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Butt/Ehrman Debate: Suffering and the Existence of God

In this debate, national best-selling author and self-professed agnostic, Bart Erhman, contends that the pain and suffering in the world show that the loving God of the Bible does not exist.

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