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Discovery Magazine 04/01/2003

Satan's Mission

by  Dave Miller Ph.D.

Do you remember the roadrunner that was constantly stalked by "Wile E. Coyote"? He lived up to his name. He was "wily." That meant that he was crafty, clever, and shrewd. He was always thinking of new ways, sneaky ways, by which he could trap his prey. That's like Satan. Paul warned Christians to watch out for the "wiles" of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

In the 1800s, westward-bound wagon trains were sometimes the target of raiding Indians. The pioneers would "circle the wagons" in an effort to have as much protection as possible while they fought off their attackers. The Indians would shoot flaming arrows at the wagons-arrows whose tips were wrapped with cloth and set on fire. The arrows would set the wagons on fire and burn their contents. The poor travelers would be discouraged and heartbroken. Paul spoke of Satan's "fiery darts" (Ephesians 6:16). Satan pelts us with daily discouragement designed to deter our dedication to God.

Who is Satan, and what is he like? He once appeared as a snake (Genesis 3:1). Though powerful, he does not have God's abilities (Job 1:12). He is the….

·         Devil(false accuser/slanderer-Matthew  13:39)

·         Adversary (1 Peter 5:8)

·         Tempter (1 Thessalonians 3:5)

What is Satan trying to do? He wants people to disobey God and go to hell. He wants to keep people from being with God in heaven. He, and his angels, will one day be placed in hell (Matthew 25:41). Until then, he wants to take with him as many people as possible. He "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). He wants to cause people to be condemned. He tempted Jesus, to try to cause him to sin. He tries to keep the Word of God out of people's hearts (like 8:12). Satan wants to get us! He is looking for ways to hurt us spiritually. Don't give in! And don't give up!

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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