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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 04/01/2004

Evidence That Humans Lived With Dinosaurs

Most of us have been taught that humans did not live with dinosaurs. In fact, most science books tell us that dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans ever arrived on Earth. That is not true. In fact, there is much evidence which shows that humans, dinosaurs, and other extinct animals lived together only a few thousand years ago, not millions of years ago.

NaturalBridges National Monument

NaturalBridges National Monument is located in a barren part of southeastern Utah. At the bridge known as Kachi-na, an Indian pictograph (also known as a petroglyph) depicting a dinosaur was discovered. In fact, visitors to the site can see three or four drawings that appear to be dinosaur-like creatures, one of which looks very similar to an Apatosaurus, and another like a pterosaur.

Samuel Hubbard and the Rock Drawing

In 1924, a man named Samuel Hubbard went to a place near the Grand Canyon searching for Indian artifacts. He wentto the Havai Supai Canyon and began looking for these old In-dian relics. When he arrived, he found exactly what he was looking for. On one canyon wall he found a drawing made by the Indians many years before. The Indians had drawn a wild goat, an elephant, and a creature that looked just like a dinosaur. Also, Dr. Hubbard and his coworkers found several fossilized dinosaur footprintswithin several miles of the drawing.

Dinosaur Figurines in Mexico

In 1944, a German businessman by the name of Waldemar Julsrud was riding a horse near the foot of the El Toro mountains in Acambaro, Mexico. Looking at the ground, he no-ticed some carved stones and ceramic pieces sticking up, half buried in the dirt. He jumped off his horse and began to dig up the artifacts, which were unlike any he had ever seen. Thinking that there might be more of the ceramics and stone carvings, he made a deal with a local farmer. For every unbroken piece the farmer dug up, Julsrud would pay him 1 peso (about 12 cents). In all, about 20,000 artifacts were found. Many of them were faces of people, musical instruments, masks, idols, and other such things. Each one was different from the others, since they were not made using a mold, but were handcrafted. Among the figurines, hundreds of dino-saur sculptures were found. Some of the dino-saur sculptures were as much as five feet long. Among the different dinosaur figurines found, dinosaurs such as the Tricera-tops, Stegosaurus, Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus, and Tyranno-saurus rexcould easily be identified.

How could the people at Acambaro have known what dinosaurs looked like if they had not seen them? The truth is, dinosaurs and man have lived together in the past. God created all the animals, and Adam and Eve, on days five and six of the Creation week.

Inca Burial Stones

Javier Cabrera Darquea came into possession of his first burial stone (from the Ica section of the country of Peru) when he was given one as a paperweight for his birthday. Dr. Darquea tried to find the origin of his uniquegift, and eventually gathered over 11,000 of the stones. The rocks turned out to be ancient burial stones that the Inca Indians had placed with their dead. Amazingly, almost one-third of the stones depicted specific types of dinosaurs (such as Triceratopsand Stegosaurus) and various pterosaurs. The type of art form represented by these stones, and their location, dated them to the time of the Inca Culture (around A.D. 500-1500). How could these ancient Indians have known how to draw these creatures if they never had seen them firsthand (or had them described by someone who had seen them)?

Herodotus and Flying Snakes

One ancient historian named Herodotus wrote about events that happened in ap-proximately 450 B.C.In his book he mentioned flying snakes. He said:

"There is a place in Arabia…to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe. The form of the serpent is like that of a water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat."

Herodotus knew of flying reptiles. He knew these creatures were not birds, mammals, or insects—but reptiles with wings.

There is much more evidence that shows that humans lived with dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles. The reason you do not see it in your school science books is because it goes against evolution. The carvings, stones, figurines, and book references show that humans and dino-saurs did live together in the past. They were not separated by millions of years. When we look at the evidence, we can see the truth.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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