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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 07/01/2004

MRI and Creation

by  Alden Bass

We frequently hear of people going to the hospital and getting an MRI(Magnetic Resonance Image) scan to check for diseases. This is a familiar procedure to us, and very useful to doctors for detecting illness, yet it has been around for only a few years. The technology had existed in physics labs since the 1930s, but no one thought to apply it to medicine until Dr. Raymond Damadian came along. As a biophysicist at the New York Downstate Medical Center, he studied the effects of magnetic fields on cells. His experiments led him to believe that magnetic resonance could tell cancerous cells from healthy ones. For many years, he worked to prove this to other scientists, though they thought his project was impossible and refused to fund his research. Finally, after personally writing President Nixon to request a grant, Dr. Damadian had enough money to finish his work. He first scanned a humanbody in 1977 with his newly built machine, which he called Indomitable. That first MRIis on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

Dr. Damadian worked very hard to prove his theory and build his machine. As a result, many liveshave been saved. Scientists laughed at his efforts until he successfully built the MRI. Eversince, he has fought with large corporations such as General Electric to keep the rights to his invention.

Dr. Damadian is famous for his MRImachine, but he is also famous for his belief in God. It is this belief in God, and his desire to help other people, that drove him to continue his re-search, even when he was very discouraged. Throughout his life, he has believed the Bible to be the Word of God. Instead of accepting evolution, Dr. Dama-dian believes that God is the Creator, and that He created all things in six days, just as the Bible says. After decades of scientific research, he said that "the highest purpose a man can find for his life is to serve the Will of God." To this day, he continues his research, trying always to help humanity by improving the machine he in-vented 25 years ago.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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