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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 01/01/2005

The Dinosaur Museum

What could further confirm that the Natural Bridges' petroglyph depicts an actual dinosaur that was seen by the Anasazi Indians? As we thoughtabout this question, we could think of at least one piece of evidence that would help verify this conclusion. If we could prove that Apatosaurus had ever lived in the area, that would certainly lend credibility to the idea that the Anasazis had seen them. Had Apatosaur bones been found anywhere close to the bridge?

We did not have to search long for the answer to this question. We traveled the 45 miles to Blanding, Utah, and visited The Dinosaur Museum. Within a few minutes of the tour, we were directed to two actual fossils (not replicas) of a dinosaur hip. The dinosaur who owned the bones just happened to be—you guessed it—an Apatosaurus. The bones had been found over 40 years earlier only about 45 miles from the dinosaur petroglyph.

There it was, almost like a puzzle for us to put together—an ancient petroglyph that looked just like an Apato-saurus, with bones from the very same animal found within 50 miles of the carving. Taken together, this type of evidence presents an amazing case for the co-existence of dinosaurs and humans.

All in all, the trip out West was a huge success. We were able to do a little "first-hand" research, and came back with even more evidence for the accuracy of the Genesis account of Creation and the Flood. If in the future, you decide to take a trip to this area of the United States to visit one of the many dinosaur attractions, we suggest that you arm yourselves with the type of information provided in this issue of Discovery(and that we at Apologetics Press attempt to provide on a regular basis). The evolutionists have used dinosaurs long enough to teach their false worldview. It is time we take back the dinosaurs, and use them to teach about the awesome power of the One Who created these magnificent creatures.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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