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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 04/01/2005

Dad Is Great.. He Gives Us Chocolate Cake

by  Brad Harrub Ph.D.

Comedian Bill Cosby once talked about giving his children chocolate cake for breakfast. He joked about cake containing milk, flour, and eggs—so it must be nutritious. It seemed good at the time, and for a few minutes his children sang: "Dad is great. He gives us chocolate cake." Then…mom walks in, and dad gets clobbered—by both mom and the kids! Bill Cosby learned that being "friendly" and "cool" to his children did not always pay off. It would be nice if the only job a father had to do was play and give his children treats like chocolate cake. But dads who do not guide and discipline their children are creating problems for the whole

As we grow into adulthood, we learn to become responsible for our own lives and our own actions. Men who marry and have children then face even moreresponsibility. They are now responsible for the welfare of an entire family. Being a faithful Christian father is hard work. The Bible declares that fathers are to be the head of their household, and that they are to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:23-25). The goal of Christian fathers should be to conduct themselves in such a way that their entire family will follow their example all the way to heaven. Their number-one priority must be to teach their children about God and the Bible. They also must set a good example for their children by their actions. Fathers are told to work, so they can provide food, shelter, and the necessities of life for their family (1 Timothy 5:8). Just as God has set rules for man, dads also must set rules for their own house. Children who are never taught to be obedient in the home are not likely to obey God.

Guys, let me challenge you not only to work hard to get your children to heaven once you become fathers, but to take it even one step farther—work so that even your grandchildrenare taught to obey God as well. And girls, let me strongly encourage you to marry only guys who take seriously their role as a spiritual leader. Make sure you marry someone who will help you get to heaven. Chocolate cake is nice, but growing up in a loving Christian family is much better.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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