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Discovery Magazine 09/01/2010

Symbiosis: Creatures that Need Each Other

by  Dave Miller Ph.D.

The very idea that a lizard came from a fish, or a human came from an ape-like ancestor is silly. Even millions of years of gradual changes would not cause such a thing. So, even on the face of it, the theory of evolution is untrue. In addition, there are many proofs that show evolution is false. One of those proofs is symbiosis (sim-bee-OH-sus). Symbiosis refers to the relationship between two or more plants or animals of different species that depend on each other to survive. Each provides a necessary service to the other. For example, hummingbirds fly to flowers to get the nectar they need to live, but in the process they collect pollen and take it to other plants so those plants can be pollinated and also live.

Evolutionists try hard (without success) to explain the existence of symbiosis in plant and animal species. They say that species that depend on each other for survival must have "co-evolved." Darwin talked about his belief that "a flower and a bee might slowly become, either simultaneously or one after the other, modified and adapted in the most perfect manner to each other, by the continued preservation of individuals presenting mutual and slightly favourable deviations of structure." But this thinking is silly. The "continued preservation of individuals" is what is at stake. Not only could flowers and hummingbirds not have evolved in the first place (since the Law of Biogenesis forbids such), they could not have evolved together. There would be no time for them to do so. If the plant was not pollinated by the hummingbird, the plant would soon die! If the plant's flower did not provide the hummingbird with nectar, the bird would soon die of starvation—and that would be the end of those species! No time for "evolution"!

In fact, all species of insects, animals, and plants whose lives depend on other creatures would have only a matter of days, weeks, or months at the most before they would die. No organism could have survived for millions of years as it waited for "gradual changes" to occur so that the symbiosis relationship could "slowly become" workable. Both parties in a symbiotic relationship would have to be in existence together, each fully operational and doing its job, for both to survive.

Consider, for example, the Oceanic Whitetip Shark—a competitive, fearless predator that does not avoid trouble in favor of an easier meal. Famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau described the Oceanic Whitetip as "the most dangerous of all sharks." This shark feeds on bony fishes including lancetfish, oarfish, barracuda, jacks, dolphinfish, marlin, tuna, mackerels—and even garbage. If other species of sharks are encountered, the Whitetip becomes aggressive and dominates over them. It will bite into schools of bony fishes, and swim through schools of feeding tuna with wide-open jaws, scooping up the tuna as they unknowingly swim into the shark's mouth.

Of course, consuming all those smaller fish causes bits of food and parasites to collect around their teeth. Food particles can produce disease or a build-up of matter that can hinder eating. So God created this ferocious predator to allow Pilot fish to swim into its mouth to clean away food particles from between its teeth! God created the Pilot fish to act as a biological toothbrush! The shark is relieved of painful parasites and the Pilot fish gains protection by getting to hang around a fierce predator. Their symbiotic relationship is proof of God!

Another amazing example of symbiosis involving completely different species of sea life is the "Watchman Goby" and the shrimp. The shrimp digs and maintains a burrow in the sand for itself and the fish to live in. The constantly moving ocean water continually shifts the sand around and would fill up the burrow if not for the relentless efforts of the shrimp. In the mean time, the Goby keeps watch for danger, and actually warns the almost blind shrimp of possible predators. The shrimp uses its antennae to keep in contact with the fish, and the Goby flicks the shrimp with its tail when alarmed by a possible threat. Both benefit from this amazing symbiotic relationship: the shrimp gets a warning of approaching danger, and the goby gets a safe home and a place to lay its eggs.

Symbiosis is proof of God—and proof that evolution is a myth. God designed hundreds of thousands of His living
organisms to speak to humans—if we will listen—that the Creator exists. Indeed, "There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard" (Psalm 19:3).

Copyright © 2014 Apologetics Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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