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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 08/01/1994

Down on the Farm

by  Brad Bromling D.Min.

You might not think about it very often, but much of what you eat and wear comes from farms. God created many kinds of animals that can be tamed and raised for human use. Take a few moments to think about the ways God provides for our needs through the amazing animals He made.

Chickens--There are probably more chickens than any other kind of bird in the world.  They provide people with meat and eggs to eat. Scientists have developed vaccines from chicken eggs to keep people from getting some diseases.

Cows--Cattle are very useful to people. We can eat their meat, drink their milk, and clothe ourselves (especially our feet) with their skin. They are also used as work animals on some farms.

Sheep--Wool is made from sheep's fleece and is used in making clothing, carpets, and other fabrics. In many places around the world, people eat sheep meat. Their skin is also used to make leather.

Pigs--Almost everything inside a pig can be eaten. Their skin is used to make leather, and their hair is used to make brushes. Pigs are some of the most intelligent animals on the farm. Some people raise them to be pets.

Goats--In some parts of the world, goats are raised for their milk and meat. Their hair is used to make wool, and their skin is used to make leather.

Ducks and Geese--Many people enjoy eating duck and goose meat. Some of the feathers (called "down") from these birds are used as a light-weight insulation for winter coats and sleeping bags.

"God said, let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth" (Genesis 1:26).

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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