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Issue Features
Discovery Magazine 09/01/2000

The Never-Ending Kingdom

by  Alden Bass

The days when kings battled kings were exciting times in the Bible. There was always a battle to be fought and won. Saul had to fight the Amalekites, David had to battle the Philistines, and Solomon defended the borders of his kingdom. It is hard for us to imagine times like that. Most of us have never even lived through a war! Those days are over, though, right? No! Did you know that we live in a kingdom right now, and that we fight battles everyday?

Long ago, men of God prophesied that a kingdom would come. They said it would be greater than all other kingdoms of the Earth, because it would not one that would have to defend itself with walls and swords and spears. Instead, it would be a spiritual kingdom. So did these prophecies of a spiritual kingdom ever come true? Indeed they did!

While Jesus was on the Earth, He often spoke of a coming kingdom. He promised His disciples that it would come with power (Mark 9:1), and the power would come with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). We read in the book of Acts that the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Therefore, this kingdom that Jesus and the prophets talked about was established on that day, which was almost 2000 years ago. This spiritual kingdom still is active; today we know it as the church. Just like the prophet said, "it will never be destroyed" (Daniel 2:44).

I told you at first that we fight battles everyday. Actually, there are two kingdoms in this world. The first one is God's kingdom; it stands for everything good and right. Then there is the other kingdom—the devil's kingdom; it stands for darkness and evil. The two kingdoms are complete opposites (like light and dark), and they are at war with each other all the time. When we go out and talk to someone about Jesus, we are fighting against Satan's kingdom. We are like soldiers fighting in God's army. So remember that you are God's special soldier defending His kingdom, and He needs you to work hard to win the battle against the devil!

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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