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Discovery Magazine 08/01/2006

Library of Congress

One of the most amazing and interesting stops that I made on the trip was at the Library of Congress. It is a huge, beautiful building that houses hundreds of thousands of books. In fact, I think several of our books from Apologetics Press are actually there, but I did not get the chance to see them. On the ceiling of the building, beautiful paintings and inscriptions cover the surface. Many of these inscriptions are quotes from famous authors and artists. Among these inscriptions there are several statements about God or quotes from Scripture.

For instance, one inscription states: "Nature is the art of God." Such a statement matches perfectly with Bible verses such as Romans 1:20 which says that God's eternal power can be understood by the physical Universe. The inscription also fits well with Psalm 19:1, which states: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." Truly, nature is God's way of showing humans some of His power and ability. It is a shame that many, including those in governmental-sponsored positions, have forgotten this fact and teach the false theory of evolution. Just down the street from the Library of Congress, the National Museum of Natural History is filled with false teachings about evolution that deny the existence of God and that do not recognize nature as God's handiwork. But all those who are willing to be honest with the evidence must admit that nature is too beautiful and complex to have evolved. An all-powerful God is the only adequate cause of the natural world around us.

In another place on the ceiling of the Library of Congress, the Scripture is quoted: "The Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not." This quote comes directly from John 1:5. In that verse, Jesus Christ is described as the Light, and the darkness is the wickedness of humans who reject Him. Unfortunately, it is true that many people who visit the Library of Congress do not even know that this passage is found in the Bible, and they do not obey Jesus. They continue to live sinful lives without taking the time to find out God's will for them. The light of Jesus shines in the world, but they do not understand His truth.  

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