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Discovery Magazine 09/01/2007

The Lords Army

Maybe you have seen pictures and read stories in history books about nations that went to war with each other. Pictures of cannons, horses, and armed soldiers fill American history books that deal with wars like the American Civil War, the Spanish American War, and the Revolutionary War. In more recent years, pictures of missiles, tanks, grenades, and planes remind us of the Gulf War or the war in Iraq.

But did you know that there has been a war going on almost as long as the Earth has existed? That war is between the forces of ultimate good, which are God and His followers, and the forces of evil, which are the devil and his followers. In fact, the war between good and evil is still going on today, and the Bible tells us that everyone who is a faithful member of Christ's church is fighting on the Lord's side.

Paul wrote an important message about this war to the Christians who lived in Ephesus. He told them to arm themselves with God's armor. The reason he told them to arm themselves for a fight is because they were fighting against "principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). Paul told the members of the Lord's church that they were an army fighting against strong powers of wickedness.

If Christians are part of the Lord's army, what weapons can they use to defeat evil? Do they need rockets, explosives, guns, armor, knives, or swords? No. The Lord's army fights with different weapons. Paul said that Christians should arm themselves with the shield of faith, put on the helmet of salvation, and carry the sword of the Spirit, "which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17).

Christians do not defeat evil by blowing things up or using real swords or guns. They defeat evil by doing good deeds, teaching the Word of God, resisting temptation, and helping others learn the truth. Since God is much stronger than all the forces of wickedness, He has promised the faithful fighters in His army that He will "crush Satan" under their feet. Let's all make sure to obey God and do right so we can be members of Christ's church and fight in His army.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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