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Discovery Magazine 09/01/2007

Who Made the Different Versions of the Bible

by  Digger Doug

Dear Emily,

Thank you for submitting this excellent question. The Holy Spirit gave about 40 men the words of the Bible, and these men wrote the words in their own languages. Because the Holy Spirit inspired Moses, Paul, Luke, and others, their original documents were absolutely perfect in every way. But their languages, such as Hebrew and Greek, are difficult for most of us to read, because we usually read things only in English.

Scholars, who know a lot about the ancient languages in which the Bible originally was written, have produced English translations of the Bible. These include the King James Version, the New American Standard Version, the English Standard Version, and others. They allow us to have the Word of God in our own language. Some translations are better than others, but we always can check any translation by comparing it to ancient manuscripts, written in the original languages. Even though we live about 2,000 years after the Bible was completed, we still have the words of God, and can read them easily!

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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