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Discovery Magazine 07/01/2013

The Lame Man is Healed

by  A.P. Staff

As Peter and John went to the temple to pray, they came across a poor man who could not walk. He had been crippled from birth, and was now over forty years old (Acts 4:22). The man apparently made his living by begging at the temple gate (a good place for begging, as it was the "front door" to the temple). He asked Peter and John for some money. The lame man was so accustomed to begging that he did not even bother to look up at the apostles.

Peter and John did not have any money, but they had something much more valuable to give to the crippled beggar—the healing power of Jesus. Peter said, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk" (Acts 3:6). The lame man's legs instantly became strong enough to support him! He leaped up and walked into the temple with Peter and John. He jumped for joy and praised God.   

Just as we marvel at the amazing miraculous power given to Peter by Jesus, the people in the temple area on that day were shocked to see the familiar crippled man bounding across the temple court. They all wanted to hear what the apostles had to say. Peter saw that he had the attention of a large group of listeners, so he spoke seriously to the crowd.

First, he gave God credit for the miracle (verses 12-13). It is not always easy for us to give God thanks and glory for His blessings. Often, we are tempted to take all the credit for the good things we do, and act as if we did it all by ourselves. Many people live as if God does not exist or bless us. Paul called such people fools (Romans 1:21-22).

Second, Peter taught the crowd about Jesus (verses 14-26). How many times has God given us opportunities to tell people about Christ and the church, only to see us ignore or refuse the offer? We can make ourselves aware of chances to share the Gospel by remembering that each person we meet has an immortal soul. Like Peter and John, we should use every chance we get to help others go to heaven.

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*Please keep in mind that Discovery articles are written for 3rd-6th graders.

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